Learn the formula for mastering the art of High-Ticket Sales


Insaaaaaanely good at what you do. Like, just plain BORN FOR THIS. Your work sets your soul on fiyyah and turns you into a blissed-out babe whenever you have the opportunity to help someone with your gifts.
Except…. Actually selling your services makes you feel somewhere between “greasy car salesman” and “awkward bumbling teenager who’s trying to ask out the hot girl to prom.”

Every time you hop on a sales call, your hopes rise as high as the ball in Times Square on New Year’s Eve — only to plummet later when your prospect comes back with, “It’s just not the right time.” Or, “my husband says not right now.” Or worse, they ghost you and never come back at all.

You’re watching everyone else around you slay this whole 5-figure months thing, while you’re barely keeping up with your monthly expenses.

If anyone peeped a look at your bank balance, you would straight-up die of embarrassment.  

A corporate job isn’t looking half bad right now. Shhh. Don't tell anyone you thought that.

Sister, this has got to stop.

You're a boss when it comes to your craft and you know it.

But if you want to TRULY impact lives with your work, you must learn how to get comfortable (and skilled) at selling.

Not because you're sleazy. Not because you're selfish.
Because you are a visionary leader who is here to SERVE her people, and selling is the first powerful act of service you give to every client who comes into your life.


This bulletproof, 6-step, self-paced video course is designed to teach you exactly how to master the art and science of soul-centered, high-ticket sales.

Because serving more people (and making more money) comes down to YOU skilling up and learning how to sell. Period. 

The Sales Queen Bundle


Attract Dream Clients & Prequalify Your Leads

Learn my unbeatable system for magnetizing leads, pre-vetting your potential clients, and setting the stage for 90% conversion or higher. Remember, YOU are interviewing THEM, not the other way around.

Master Discovery Calls

No more free 20-minute calls turned into 60-minute complimentary coaching sessions turned into disappearing prospects who never, ever hire you (even if they’re super grateful). I give you - for the first time ever - the discovery call method that has earned me 11 consistent 5-figure months, and has helped my clients go from 0-50K in a matter of months!

Handle Objections Like a Boss

Know what to say when your leads stumble over their excuses and pull objections out of their back pocket. I teach you exactly how to show up powerfully in a way that impresses the shit out of them, and leaves you feeling like a boss, not a desperate sleazeball.

Hear how The Sales Queen framework is changing lives:

Elaina Ray

Self-Mastery Coach & Business Mentor for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Over the last 6 months with Cait, I went from scraping by with one-off coaching sessions to having a cohesive strategy behind a multi-pronged, multi-passionate business. I identified my niche, rebranded successfully, launched two group programs including a mastermind, and filled up my client roster for the first time since going online in 2015.
In less than three months into working with Cait, I doubled my coaching revenue every month since starting, and in month 3, I made more money than I ever have in my life in my business (and not to mention more money than I've ever made per month in corporate). After working privately with Cait on my business for 6 months I am now hitting consistent $10K cash months, had 2 back to back $20K months, and my private practice is booked out 6 months in advance. Thank you for everything Cait, you are amazing!

Amanda Kolbye 

Business & Marketing Coach
Before working with Cait I was a web and graphic designer but wanted to completely shift gears and start a coaching business from the ground up. I was so overwhelmed and burned out by trying to do EVERYTHING and needed to hone in on my direction, my ideal client and really how to execute building a coaching business.
Since working with Cait over the last 6 months I have built my coaching business from zero to a booming business and am on track to hit 6 figures before year end. I have created and launched my 1-1 coaching, an absolutely amazing group program, and a course. I had a 5 figure launch 3 months into my business and another launch immediately after that that sold out 18 spots in a one week launch! I have double my prices, received endless messages about how I am helping my clients change their lives and businesses and I have generated almost $40k in sales in the first 5 months of my business. I am so much more clear on how to be a better coach, how to speak to my target market, how to run, operate and organize the back end of my business and how to simplify! I am so much more confident in my business and Cait helped me work through those tough and uneasy periods of instability and growth! If I could say one thing about Cait it's that she cares. She cares about you specifically, about your business, about your growth, and about what is best for YOU! And you don't get that level of support and investment from many coaches! She gives you everything and she is genuine!
I truly feel like she is a life long friend, but also the kind of friend that is crazy smart with business and always steers you in the right direction. Which is, of course, the best kind of friend and mentor to have!


6 Module Course: 

In 6 crystal clear modules, you'll learn exactly how to pre-frame, execute and overcome objections on your discovery calls so easily you'll wondered why you ever hated sales in the first place. #hello5figuremonths
($1200 VALUE)

1 Bonus Module: Closing the Sale, Opening the Relationship

Inside this exclusive bonus module, I share with you why there is NOT just one way to close a sale as I provide 3 tried and true closing options. You get to pick the method that works best for you. Spoiler alert: there is no wrong answer.
($200 VALUE)

7 PDF Workbooks:

These workbooks give you the bones & building blocks you need to execute every phase of the sales process in a structured, clear and confident way.
($350 VALUE)

Sales Queen Resource Library:

4 extra special bonuses including a sample pre-vetting questionnaire, a post-closing email template, preparation checklist, plus a hot lead generator checklist.
($500 VALUE)



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